Configuring a WebSphere MQ server

In a previous post, I documented the “>steps to install IBM WebSphere MQ on Ubuntu. Now, more generically (and mostly for my own reference), here’s how to set up a queue manager and queues.
You’ll need the WebSphere MQ installation packages – if you’re only evaluating WMQ at the moment, try the WebSphere MQ 90-day trial. Also, you’ll need to read the previous blog post and set your sysctl settings appropriately.
First off, install the MQSeriesRuntime and MQSeriesServer packages – they’re the only ones you’ll need. After installation, run the following command:
/opt/mqm/bin/setmqinst -i -p /opt/mqm
This will set your default MQ installation path.
Next, ‘su’ to ‘mqm’, then create a broker by running the really simple command:
crtmqm MQSVR1
Before doing anything else, you’ll need to start the queue manager:
strmqm MQSVR1
You will also need to start a listener to be able to connect, so use the ‘runmqsc’ command to submit commands to create a listener on TCP port 1414, and also create a server connection channel called ‘SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN’:
runmqsc MQSVR1
The statement ‘CONTROL(QMGR)’ is important here – this will start and stop the listener with the queue manager. If you don’t include this, you’ll need to start the listener every time you bring up the queue manager.
At this point, you have the barest of bare WebSphere MQ server setups. I’ll cover authentication for WMQ 7.5 and higher in another blog post.

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